Monday, September 29, 2014

Tyler Allred
Writing and Rhetoric 
Kaleigh Spooner
September 19, 2014
Capital Punishment Deterrent for Crime
                     Capital Punishment has the potential to save the world from a lot of stress.  Capital Punishment, also known as the death penalty, is where a criminal is put to death if his crimes are serious enough.   Throughout the world and through time, this has been a very popular topic for debates.  Some people think that it is right, and others think that killing a criminal can still be justified as murder.   I believe that capital punishment is completely necessary.  I think that the Death Penalty should be allowed in the entire world because it saves money, makes the community safer, gets rid of dangerous criminals, and it is humane.
                     A lot of money is payed every year to keep criminals alive in prison.  This is a ton of money that is basically just wasted.  This money only goes towards keeping the prisoner alive in prison.  They prisoner is not doing anything while in prison, so why keep him alive?  If we executed criminals with serious offenses, then we could be saving money all around the country, and even the world.  The cost to kill someone by lethal injection is very cheap compared to the amount of money that it would take to keep them alive.

                     If you were a criminal and learned that another criminal was just executed via the capital punishment, would you be deterred to not commit crime?  I think that the majority of
you would.  The Death penalty would scare criminals into not committing crimes, therefore making neighborhoods and cities alike safer.
                     There is always a possibility that a prisoner could escape from prison, it may be small, but there is a chance. If we had the chance to eliminate that chance, we could potentially be saving lives.  Escaped prisoners almost always commit more crimes, crimes as serious, or more serious than the ones they got put away for.  If we disposed of them in prison, then there would never be a chance for them to escape, hence saving more lives.
                     Capital punishment is a humane process.  It is just lethal injection and the criminal usually feels little or no pain.  The Death Penalty would be a good way to make the community safer, while giving the prisoners a peaceful way out of this life.
                     Capital punishment is a great thing, and if utilized in the right way, could lead to many benefits.  Prisoners are kept alive and may have nothing better to do than live with the guilt of what they have done until they die.  That is what I call cruel and unusual.  Amen.


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